MATHEZ FREIGHT is IATA, FIATA and FONASBA certified and since 2013 also has AEO-Full status, which includes the AEO certificate for "customs streamlining" and the AEO certificate for "safety and security."
- "AEO" accreditation (Authorized Economic Operator) is awarded by the Customs Authority to companies that satisfy strict customs criteria and demonstrate continuous quality, conformity, and reliability across the international logistical chain.
- IATA certification also allows the use of any commercial airliner and use of their AWB.
- FIATA certification governs relations between loaders and actors in the maritime shipping industry, with FIATA regulations serving as the reference in the event of a dispute.
- Since 2007, the FONASBA (International Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents) quality standard has been recognizing agents who meet financial strength criteria and demonstrate the top level of commitment in terms of professionalism and quality.
When you work with MATHEZ FREIGHT, you can rest assured that all of our operations will be performed with precision, reliability, and professionalism, according to the highest standards.